Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Is it possible to outgrow gym shoes in less than two weeks?

Can you hear crashing sounds coming from my house? We are shattering records left and right this new school year. For instance:
1 day: that's how long it took for Sydney to bring home her first school fundraising form. That's right! Her very first day of kindergarten and a packet for selling cookie dough came home in her back pack.
7 days: how long it took Sydney to catch her first cold in kindergarten.
2 days: how long it took me to catch Sydney's cold.
8 days: how long it took Sydney to start complaining to the teacher that her new gym shoes were too tight.
Barely a week after she started kindergarten, Sydney asked me at bedtime if her teacher had talked to me about her gym shoes because they were too small.
It was the first I'd heard of it, and so the next day I e-mailed her teacher and asked what was up with Sydney's shoes. Her teacher wrote back, apologizing that she'd forgotten to mention it, and then confirmed Sydney was complaining that her shoes were too tight.
That night, the shoes came home in Sydney's back pack. I pulled one out and sure enough, size 10.
Well, of course they're too small. Sydney's a size 12. Had I somehow grabbed the wrong pair after we'd tried them all on?
But then I noticed something interesting about this pair of shoes.

Yeah, I bet one of those shoes WAS too tight. Now I wondered if I'd mixed the shoes up between boxes when we'd been trying them on. Though that didn't seem right because usually the pairs are tied together, plus the Target clerks are usually pretty careful about checking that the shoes match.
And then I happened to drop the smaller of the two shoes and it landed upside down.

A ha! Apparently I'm not the only mom who shops at Target. Do you suppose Sydney has a classmate (Just a hunch... someone with the last name Hagelin) who's got a problem with a shoe being too big?
I looked inside the larger shoe:

Mystery solved!
I'm still stuck with a cold, and a cookie dough fundraiser. But at least I don't have to go shoe shopping again. At least not quite yet.

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