Friday, September 21, 2012

So long, soccer season

Just as the years seem to pass by more quickly as I get older, so too do the kids' sports seasons. Didn't we just start soccer a few short weeks ago? When the weather at game time was 40 degrees warmer than it was Thursday night?
Okay, I guess it was more than a few weeks ago. But it's still done now.
AJ has made remarkable progress this year. I've liked all the coaches he's had, but the ones this year were particularly good at reaching him - giving him just enough praise, and just enough criticism to really help him improve, both as a player and as a leader.

AJ certainly throws his entire body into the game. Now if we could just teach him to keep his head up up, and roll his socks down (at least below his knees), we'd be getting somewhere. 

His coach recommended we look into an off-season soccer league for him, but it turns out he's about six months too young. But the seed has been planted. Starting next year, soccer season may start overlapping with hockey.
And then there's Sydney. Is she yawning?
Sydney had fun, which of course is the most important thing. (Along with the treats and juice boxes after the game.) But she never quite developed that intense desire to score. She likes doing corner kicks. 

And any time a pile of kids tripped, she always seemed to be part of it.
In the final games, she got a little braver at entering the fray to kick the ball.

I like to think she's just a good team player: as happy to celebrate her teammates goals as if they were her own. For alas, like her mother who played basketball for a year without ever making a basket, Sydney went goal-less for the whole season.
There's always next year. And in the meantime, there's going to be hockey. Yes, she's now signed up to be a Mite 1.
I have a feeling that all too soon, when it's 40 degree colder than it was Thursday night, I'll really be missing the soccer season.

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