Saturday, September 1, 2012


Clearly, my children aren't the only ones fascinated by bubbles. What is it about the challenge they represent? Making a bubble. Making a bigger bubble. Making the longest lasting bubble. Trying to catch and pop a bubble before it bursts on its own. The possibilities for fun seem endless.
And then we went to the Children's Museum's Bubble Fest and did all that to the nth degree.
Want to make big bubbles? How about a bubble with you inside it?
And forget small pans for holding the bubble solution. Here they had swimming pools!

And how do you pass up a chance to make a bubble bomb? It was some kind of mix of water, vinegar and something else inside a ziploc bag. I got an instruction sheet so we could try it at home, but apparently have already lost it.

The adjoining Heritage Center opened it's doors for the kids to run around on the artificial turf. Jeff and AJ threw a football, while Sydney and I played Frisbee. Then we did hoola hoops. And then Sydney decided Daddy should join in her game.

Back outside, more bubbles. Sure it's fun to pop them between your hands, but it's even more fun to try and pop them with fly swatters.

Of course, because they're kids, and their mooches (which is probably redundent), one of their favorite parts was the discovery of the Kona ice treat truck, which has now magically appeared at three events we've attended in as many weeks.
I'm an easy sell on this. It was hot, and the kids get to squirt whichever colors/flavors they want on their own icee, which makes it extra fun. And they share with me. How could I burst their bubble?

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