Monday, September 10, 2012

Second grade analysis

Second grade is easier than first grade. That's AJ's analysis so far. Sure, there's math homework now, and it includes story problems, but overall he's liking it.
"Mom, finally I have a teacher who understands it's a challenge for me to listen," he excitedly told me earlier this evening. As if it were a good thing.
"AJ, I'm pretty sure all of your teachers have figured that out."
"But she says if I look at her when she's talking, it might be easier for me to listen."
As look as he thinks she's wonderful, we'll just leave it at that.
Despite today's breakthrough, AJ would still prefer to be on summer vacation. "Why couldn't we just be born smart?" He wondered.
His biggest worry is that's he's going to get in trouble. He's such a cautious kid. I try to reassure him that as long as he listens and does his best he's going to do just fine. But I'm secretly thrilled that he has that much respect for authority.
His other gripe - his homework requires him to show his work. He not only has to solve math problems such as "Zeke bought 4 toys. Laura bought 7. How many more toys must Zeke buy to have as many toys as Laura?"
AJ has no problem solving the problem. It's the follow up question that causes issues. "Explain how you solved the problem."
I wish I'd taken a picture before I made him erase it and start over, because his initial explanation was, "I just know it."
But back to praises for his teacher. She's very good at positive reinforcement. Squint and you can see one of the projects AJ brought home.

AJ didn't care if we saw the front. He was more excited to show what had been written on the back.

As always, it'll be an interesting year.

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