Monday, January 18, 2010

Future plans

AJ, like most children his age (I assume), loves to imagine what he's going to be when he grows up. Of course he's going to follow in Daddy's footprints and be a brave policeman and Army soldier, but somehow he's going to find time to be a fireman, "Bob the builder" and multi-sport professional athlete. Oh, and don't forget the many restaurants he has planned.

AJ often talks about the various restaurants he will someday own. I suspect Sponge Bob's employment as a cook at the Krusty Krab has something to do with AJ's interest in a career in this industry. "Mixers" is the name he came up with awhile ago for his first restaurant. Other restaurants have come and gone, but Mixers, with its menu of crab legs, pizza and cheeseburgers seems to have staying power.

Until last Friday, that is.

We were driving, running errands, when from the back seat AJ announced, "When I get big, I'm going to have lots of works."

"You mean you'll have a lot of jobs?" I corrected.

"First, I'm going to have a fancy restaurant," he told me.

"What makes it fancy?" I asked.

"People can dance and have hot cocoa with marshmallows," AJ explained. "But if they don't want marshmallows, they don't have to. It's going to be called Vikings Stadium."

"Vikings Stadium," I repeated the name and then questioned, "what happened to Mixers?"

"Oh, that kind of broke apart," AJ told me. "My workers wanted to go somewhere else."

Wouldn't it be ironic if someday AJ took a job in human resources?

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