Thursday, March 12, 2009

High tech kids

Kids seem to have a natural way of embracing technology. I suspect it's their love of pushing buttons, combined with their natural innocence and fearlessness that pushing buttons could break something.

Sydney is "dancing" in this photo. It's her signature elbow move. We downloaded an album of 30 toddler songs, and she loves it! She'd carry the iPod all over the house if I let her.
And I've learned a new verse to "Wheels on the bus." Did you know the gas on the bus goes glug, glug, glug? Hadn't heard that one before. Bonus!

AJ, meanwhile, now associates computers with songs and games. He's happy listening to the :30 second snippets in the iStore. He points to the various graphics and says, "Play that one. Play that one."

Incidentally, he has no clue what he's doing in the photo above, despite how authoritative he looks. He climbed up and announced, "Let's listen to music."

1 comment:

  1. Tell Jeff "good Luck" from the Poskozims. hope it goes well for him today.
