Friday, March 6, 2009

"I'm ready to work"

I wonder if our builder dreads Fridays. It seems to take him a little longer to get down to the basement because he first has to run a bit of a gauntlet to get past an obnoxious dog and a chatty four-year-old.
As best as I can remember, this is how AJ greeted him this morning:
"Hi Mr. Builder. Thanks for bringing our shower over yesterday."
AJ then helpfully shared a warning we'd already given him. "Don't touch the pink fluffy stuff (the insulation) down there. It has sharp things in it that could cut you."
There were a few more things said, which I can't remember.
Finally, I convinced AJ he needed to let the builder go to work. As the man headed downstairs, AJ waved and announced, "if you need any help, let me know. Maybe I could do something."

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