Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ready for the Easter Bunny

"The Easter Bunny brings candy to little children, and you're little, so that means he'll bring candy to you!"

That was AJ's logic as he explained to Sydney why it was good to have the Easter Bunny visit our house. It seems to have worked. She clapped her hands in delight at the thought of candy, whereas all she'd been telling me was she was afraid to have the Easter Bunny come to her house.

At Cub Foods last week, she wouldn't go near the furry guy.

AJ, needless to say, is quite excited for Easter. He raided a bag of stir-fry veggies to put together this plate of bunny treats.

AJ's rather obsessed with math right now, so he carefully counted out how many pieces of each vegetable he thoughts would be a good amount. I'd suggested three carrots and some broccoli, but no. He wanted to give him "four plus four" carrots. AJ also took care not to leave anything that might be too big for the Easter Bunny. The cauliflower started as one large piece, but AJ had me break it apart for fear the bunny might choke.
Since Jeff is the lucky one hiding eggs this year, we'll let him enjoy the healthy goodies that AJ just set out.

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