Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tooth truth

I've been duped! The tooth fairy's been duped! Even the duper (AJ) has been duped!

Where to begin...

The first deception started in Florida. While on the beach in Hollywood, AJ discovered the rock shown in his right hand. He excitedly announced he'd found a shark's tooth. Jeff and I tried to explain that no, it wasn't a tooth. But Jeff's Aunt DeeDee, figuring there'd be no harm in it, gave AJ the answer he wanted, "Why, I think that IS a fossilized shark's tooth."

Validation! AJ has been telling people about his shark's tooth ever since.

Grandpa and Grandma, who were with us that day, decided to set the record straight, and so brought back with them from a Florida a real shark's tooth. (Shown in AJ's left hand, in case you hadn't guessed.) AJ is beyond excited by the real tooth. In fact, when I asked him to hold the two items together, he protested about the original saying "but that one's just a rock."

So now to the greater duping...

It turns out the tooth fairy's first visit to our house was for naught! When AJ announced he'd lost a tooth, Jeff believed him. When Jeff, in turn, told me AJ had lost his first tooth and must have swallowed it, I believed him. The gap in AJ's mouth looked awfully small, but baby teeth are pretty small, and I looked at several "before" photos that didn't seem to have that gap, and so the tooth fairy showed up, and paid up.

Over the weekend, however, AJ's Aunt Sarah (who, as an orthodontist, knows a little bit about teeth) took a look in AJ's mouth. She noted that only one tooth was missing. So unless AJ had an extra tooth to begin with, he's only lost one tooth. I kind of suspect that an extra tooth would have been noticed at his dentist visit last year, and it wasn't, so draw your own conclusions. I've drawn mine.

Maybe I can use this as an excuse in the coming years if the tooth fairy forgets to show up sometime. "Oh, she probably figures this makes everything even for the time she paid you when you hadn't really lost a tooth."

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